Based on human physiology
•Total numbers of bone found in man----206
•Total number of bone found in child ----300
•Number of bone found in skull --8
•Pair of ribs found in man----12
•Strongest bone of body is found in---Jaw
•Which bone is not found in humun leg--Humerus
•Longest bone found in man---Femur
•The bone Humerus is found in---Upper arm
•Bone found in leg of men is----Hollow
•The bone tibia is found in---Leg
•Longest bone found in which part of human body--Thigh
•Bone join with muscles with the help of----Tendon
•The element found in bone and teeth---Calcium and phosphorus
•Most of the digestion occures in which part of alimentary canal of man ----Small intestine
•Digestion started in man from---Mouth
•Sliva started from mouth digest---Statch
•The enzyme found in saliva---Ptylin
•The enzyme which take part in digestion of milk protein---Renine
•Maximum nutritive element aborbed by blood from which part of alimentary canal ---Small intestine
•Pace maker is related with --- Heart
•Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the wall of---Artery
•During sleep blood pressure--- Decrease
•Instrument used to measurered blood pressure---Sphagmo manometer
•Jarvic-7 is ---Heart
•In healthy person rate of heart beat in one minute is ---72times
•Number of chamber found in human heart----4
•Puls rate we get from ----Artery
•Function of heart in human body---Work like pumping machines
•Digestion of starch in mouth takes place by --- Ptyline
•Volume of blood found in a healthy person--- 4-5 liter
•PH value of human blood--7. 4
•Percentage of water found in blood plasma of human---91to92%
•Blood bank of human body is---Spleen
•Purification of blood takes place in---Lung
•Red colour of blood is due to presence of ---Haemoglobin
•Artificial purification of blood is due to presence ---Dylisis
•Haemoglobin is an important component of --RBC
•Metal present in haemoglobin--Iron
•Coagulation of blood do not occur inside human body due to presence of--Heparin
•Red blood Corpuscles is known as--Erythrocytes
•Red blood Corpuscles is produced into -- Bone marrow
•Graveyard of ted blood cells is ---- Spleen
•Life of red blood cells in the body ---120 days
•Main function of white blood Corpuscles is--- To produce immune system of body
•At high altitude RBC of human blood will ---Increase in number
•Invention of blood group is done by---Landsteiner
•Blood group which have no antibodies--AB
•Blood group which have both antibodies-- O
• Which blood group is universal doner-- O
• Which blood group is universal recipient-- AB
•The longest cells of human body--Neuron cells
•The smallest structutal and functional unit of nervous system ---Neuron
•How many pair of nerve arises from vertebral column---31 pair
•Center of reflex action ---Spinal cord
•The nature of nerve impulse is ---Electrochemical
•Cerebrum is located in part of brain --Forebrain
•Hypothalamus is --Helpful in sleep thirst and temperature.
•In a cell process of respiration takes place in ---Mitochondria
•Percentage of oxygen found in exhaled air is ---16%
•Rate of breathing in a minute by man is --- 16-18
•Percentage of CO2 found in exhaled air ---- 4%
•Food is converted into energy in which of the cellular organalles of cell ---Mitochondria
•Yellow colour of urine is due to presence of --Urochrom
•Nephron is related with --Kidney
•Artificial kidney work on the principal --Dialysis
•Maximum amount of urea is found in human body ---Urine
•The major chemical compound found in human kidney stone is --Calcium oxalate
•Sweating is important for--To control the temperature of body
•The name of first test tube baby was--- Lueis
•Secretion from endocrine gland is called ---Harmone
•Which is master gland in man---Pituitary
•Which is smallest gland of body---Pituitary
•Pituitary gland is situated in --Brain
•Growth hormone is secreted from --Pituitary
•Oxytocin harmone is secreted by gland--pituitary
•Man sex harmone is---Testosterone
•Female sex harmone is --Estrogen
•Estrogen is secreted by ---Gaffican follicles
•Which harmone called emergency harmone ---Adrenaline
•which is called life saving harmone is --Adrenal
•Insulin is a kind of --Harmone
•Which cell secrete insulin --Beta cell
•Number of muscle found in human body ---639
•Strongest muscle of man found in --Jaw
•Cornea is an important part of -- Eye
•Part of eye used during eye donation is -- Cornea
•Function of Iris is ---To regulate the size of pupil
• Colour of skin depend on --Melanin
•Thickest layer of skin is found on --Sole
•Largest organ of human body is ---Skin
•Uppermost layer of skin is called ---Epidemis
•Tear of man have a enzyme which kill the bacteria ---Lysozyme
•Which organ have the capacity of regeneration ---Liver
•The number of essential amino acids found in man ---20
•Myoglobin contain the metal ---Copper
•Bile is store in ---Gall bladder
•Alpha -Keratin is a protein present in --Skin
•The term cell was first coined by ---Robert Hooke
•True nucleus is absent in ---Bacteria
•Plant cells are generally without ---Lysosomes
•The longest cell in human body is ---Nerve cell •Nucleoid is present in --- Procaryotes
•Which is known as power house of cell ---Mitochondria
•Which is largest cell organelles --Plastid
•Site of protein synthesis in a cell is ---Ribosomes
•Leucoplast found in mainly ---Cells of root
•Green colour of leave is due to ---Chloroplast
•Sucidal bag of cell is --- Lysosomes
•The enzyme found in lysosme is --Hydrolytic enzyme
•A substance which is more than 80% in the cell is ---Water
•A plant cell differ from animal in having ---Cellwall
•Main function of golgibodies is ---Secretory
•Function of lysosomes is ---Processing and packaging
•Mitochndria is absent in--- Bacteria
• Control room of the cell is --- Nucleus
• Cell wall is ---Permeable
•Model of DNA is given by---Watson and cricket
•Molecular and cellular research Center is situation in ---Hyderabad
•Which is smallest cell --- Mycoplasm
•Basic unit of protein is ---Amino acid
•Iodine test can detect --Carbohydrate
•Energy currency of cell is ---ATP
•Mitrochondria are store houses of ---ATP
•Which one can respire in absence of oxygen---Seed
•Mitrochindria are store houses of ---ATP
•Centriole are found in ---Animals
•Leucoplast represent---Colourless plastids
Animal Tissue
•Lacrymal gland secret --- Tear
•Longest cell found in the body of human --- Nerve cell
•Unit of nervous tissue is --- Neuron
•Ligament connect---Bone to bone
•Obsity of person is due to excess of ---Fat
•Most cells are found in ---Connective tissue
•Harersian canal are found in --Mammalian bone
•Tendon connect---Bone to muscle
•Urinary bladder is linedbwith ---Transitional epithelium
•Teeth is mainly made up of -- Dentine
•Collagen is ---Fibrous protein
• Bone forming cells are---Osteoblasts
•Life span of WBC is approximately--48 hour
•Lung is covered by a member called --- Pleura
Plant tissue
•Tissue which is responsible for the secondary growth ---Cambium
•Age of tree is estimatted by---By the number of annual ring
•Cork is obtained from ---Cork cambium
•Aerenchyma tissue are found in ---Hydrophytes
•The cell wall of xylem cells is rich in --- Lignin
•Longest fiber are found in--Jute
•The corner of the cells of collenchyma tussue in plant are thickened due to deposition of --Cellulose and pectein
Plant Disease
•Red rust disease of tea is caused by---Green algae
•Green ear disease is related with the crop---Bajara
•Milibug is related with the crop--Musturd
•Factor which are most responsible for disease in plant is---Fungi
•Tikka disease is related with the crop---Ground nut
•Canker disease in lemon is due to---Bacteria
•Plant require Fe and Mg for ----Synthesis of chlorophyll
•Element playing role in nitrogen fixation---Mo
•Black heart of potato is dur to---Dificiency of oxygen
•Citrus canker is a---A disease in lemon
•Nitrogen fixing enzyme found in root nodule is --- Nitrogenase
•Deficiency of magnesium causes---Chlorosis
•Most of the plant obtain nitrogen from the soil in the form of----Nitrates
•Leaf spot disease of rice caused by ---Fungus
Morphology of plant
•Root develop from any part of plant body except the radical ---Adventitious root
•Root develop from radical ---Tap root
•Root gound in Dahila---Faciculated root
•Epiphytic root are found in ---Orchids
•Climbing root are found in ---Piper betel
•Still root is found in---Sugarcane
•Prop root is---Adventitious root
•Cartot is a---Root
•Roots develops from----Radical
•The edible part of potato is----Stem
•Carrot is a----Root
•Stem develops from ---Plumule
•Eye of potato are---Axillary buds
•Potato is a modified stem which is called---Tuber
•The edible part of turmeric is ----Rhizome
•Ginger is a---Modified stem
•A plant that flowers only once in life is ---Monocarpic
•The edible part of garlic is ---Fleshy scales
•Bulb store food in ---Leaf base
•Largest leaves occure in --- Victoria
•Largest flower found in the world--- Raflesia
•The edible part of cauliflower---Inflorescence
•Part of plant which is important fir the life cycle of plant is --- Flower
•Embryo is found in---Seeds
The gas used for artificial ripening of fruit is --- Ethylene
•Water is conducted in vascular plant by---Xylem tissue
•Bark of which tree is used as a concliment---Cinnamon
•Zoophily pollination by---Animal
•Pollination takes place with the help of water----Hydrophyily
•Development of fruit without fertilization is called---Parthenocarpy
•Pollengrains is--Male gametophyte
•Seeds developed from--Ovule
•Which part of pear is edible---Fleshy thalmus
Micro Organism
•Study of micro organism---Microbiology
•Microorganism are seen only with---Microscope
•The most primitive organism are___ Bacteria
•The discovery of virus was made by---- Inaniwaski
•Genetic material of virus is---Either DNA or RNA
•Virus are--- Totally parasite
•Bacteria are grouped under plant because---They have cell wall
•Smallest form of bacteria is called___Cocci
•Nitrogen fixing bacteria is useful in growing which crop___Legume
•Function of Leghaemoglobin in nitrogen fixation---Absorption of oxygen
•Which disease caused by bacteria---Tuberculosis
•Which is a free living bacteria that help in nitrogen fixation --- Azotohacter
•Which microorganism is most widely used in industry---Bacteria, Fungi, Microalgae
•Refrigeration is a process in which--Bacteria become active
•Souring of milk is due to---Bacteria
•Bacteria helpful in making curd from milk--- Bacteria
•Nitrogen fixing bacteria in found in leguminous plant--- Rizobium
•Virus is said to be---Transitional group bets living and nonliving
•The disease hydrophobia is caused due to ---Virus
•TMV is related to--- Virus
•The water of Holy Ganga river is pure due to presence of --Bacteriophages
•First successful vaccine against viral disease small pox---Edward Jenner
•The disease AIDS is caused by---virus
•HIV is related to--AIDS
•AIDS virus contain--- Single stranded RNA
•The disease AIDS spread-- By sexual contact
•Virus is made up of---Nuclic acid and protein
•Foot and mouth disease in animal is caused by--- Virus
•Mosaic disease of tobacco is caused due to ---Virus
•During rainy season the ground become slippery due to dence growth of ---Cynobacteria
•The bacteria which convert nitrites to nitrates is---Nitrobactor
• Bacteria which commonly lives in the intestine human--Escherichia coli
•Cell wall of Algae is made up of --Cellulose
•Sargasso sea is named due to--Algae
•Penicillum is a--Fungi
•Tikka disease occur in -- Ground nut
•The disease Athelet foot is caused by--Fungi
•Fungi used in the preparation of bread---Saccharomyces
•Lichens are indicator of ---Air pollution
•In Japan which of the lichen is used as vegetable---Umbilicaria
•Lichene which grow on the bark of tree---Corticoles
plant tissue
•Tissue which is responsible for the secondary growth --Cambium
•Water and mineral in plant is transported through---Xylem
•Food prepared by plant is transported to different part of plant through--- Phloem
•Cork is obtained from---Cork cambium
•Aerenchyma tissue are found in--Lithophyte
•Longest fiber are in ---Jute
•The cell wall of xylem cells is rich in--Lignin
•Living member of phloem tissue is --Companion cell
•In tree, the growth ring present -- Secondary xylem
•Tissue in which cell have lost the capacity bof cell division---Permanent tissue
•Companian cell are usually seen associated with---Sieve tube
•The corner of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plant are thickened due to deposition of --Cellulose and pectin
•Annual rings are distinct in plant which grow in---Temparate region
•Lateral meristem is responsible for--Growth in thickness
•Meristeme is a group of cell that--Devide continually to form new cell
•Companian cells are usually seen associated with---Sieve tube
•Hydrophytes float on the water surface due to presence of --Aerenchyma
•Apical meristeme tissue is responsible for---Growth in length
Branch of zoology
•Branch of science which deal the study of sin of man ----Dermetology
•Study of bone is called--- Oesteology
•Study of insects us called---Entomology
•Study of fish is called--Ichthyology
•Study of butterfly is--Lapidopterology
•lmmunology is the system of study of which body, protects it from infection of various disease---Animal body
•Ornithology is the study of--Birds
•Histology is the study of----- tissue
•Study of vestigial organ is called---Dysteleology
•Study of ductless gland is called---Endocrinology
•Study of parasitic organism is called----Parasitology
•Study of population---Demography
•Study of tissue culture is useful for ----
•Nephrology is the study of ---Kidney
•Study of blood vascular system is called----Angiology
•Treatment of body defects through massage and exercise---Physiotherapy
•Branch of biology in which we study about treatment of mental disease--Psychiatry
•Opthalmology is the branch of science in which we study about --- Eye
•Animal who have constant body temperature--Homeothermic
•Pathology is the branch of science which deal with ---Nature of disease, Development if disease, Control of disease
•Branch of biology which deal with study of processing and preservation of food is called---Food technology
Branch of Botany
•Scientist who is known as father if Botany--Theophrastus
•Father of biology---Aristotle
•The tern biology was first coined by ---Lamark and Treviranus
•Fathet of zoology---Aristotle
•Father of medicine---Hippocrates
•The term biology is derived from the language ---Greek
•Botany is also known as---Phytology
•Study of living is called---Biology
•Branch of biology in which we study about relationship between living and their environment is called--Ecology
•Study of flower is called---Anthology
•Silviculture is the branch of botany in which study about---Development of forest
•Branch of agriculture concerned about the production of crops---Agronomy
•Who is the father of Genetics---Mendal
•Word gene was given by---Johansen
•Unit if hereditary---Gene
•Mendal worked on---Garden pea
•Gene are made up of---DNA
•Mendel is famou for---Law of hereditary
•Mendal's second law is the law of---Segregation
•Which one is exception to mendal'ssm principal of dominance--Mirablius
•Genes are situated on--Chromosomes
•Who got novel prize for artificial synthesis of DNA---Konberg
•One gene one enzyme theory is given by---Beadle and Tatum
•Human beings have---23 pairs of chromosome
•Sex chromosome in human male are named---XY
•Chromosomes are best seen in---Metaphase
•Genetic material found in cell is ---DNA
•Artificial gene synthesis was first done in laboratory by---Khurana
•Transmission if characters from one generation to next is called---Hereditary
•Double helix model of DNA is given by---Watson and Crick
•Number of autosomes in human sperm---22 pair
•Hereditry characters of parents is transfered to their offspring by---Chromosome
•Deploid number of chromosome in man is---23
•Who is responsible for the sex determination of a child---Father
•A colour blind person cannot distinguish--Red and Green
•Colour -bilndness is related with defect in---Cone cell
•Nucleosome contains---Both DNA and histones
•DNA molecules has small units called---Cistron, Muton, Recon
•Which type of DNA is found in bacteria---Circular DNA
•which one of the following is a hereditary disease--Haemophilia
•Haemophilia is due to---Recessive sex linked genes
•Number of chromosome in a normal human body cell is-----46
•Which date is known as diabetes day-----14 November
If you have any doubt please let me know