What is twin prime numbers pair in math

                      TWIN PRIME NUMBERS PAIR


      Twin prime numbers are set of consecutive  prime numbers having difference of exactly two.


    Two consecutive prime numbers with the difference of two are called "Twin Prime numbers".

Example- (3,5) , (5,7), (11,13),(17,19),(29,31),(41,43),(59,61)and (71,73) 

There are total 8 pair of twin prime numbers between the integers 1 to 100.

We can clearly see in the examples that exactly there is difference of two between consecutive  prime numbers. 


Q1. How many twin prime numbers are exist between 1 to 100 ?

= There are 8 twin prime numbers pair between 1 to 100.

Q2. How many twin prime numbers are there in between 1 to 50 ?

= There are 6 pair of twin prime numbers between 1 to 50 which are as follow as (3 ,5)  , (5,7) , (11,13) , (17,19) , (29,31), (41,43).

Q3. How many twin prime numbers between 1 to 30.

 = There are exactly four twin prime numbers. ex- (3,5) , (5,7), (11,13) , (17,19) 

Note - We will not consider (29,31) because 31 is greater than 30.

Q4. How many twin prime numbers between 1 to 25 ?

  = There are 4 twin prime numbers between 1 to 25. Ex- (3,5) , (5,7) , (11,13) , (17,19) .

Q5. Are 43 and 47 are twin prime numbers pair?

 = No because between both there is a difference of 4 . it would have been two then definitely it will be.

Q6. Write examples of twin prime numbers example ?

 = (3,5) , (5,7) , (11,13),(17,19) etc./ 

Q7. How many twin prime numbers exists in real number ?

 = There are infinite number of twin prime numbers exist in a real number. 

Q8. Twin prime numbers in Hindi ?


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