As you all know ,Bihar civil court clerk mains exam is very close and aspirants are very confused what to study and from where to study especially in section of English 📜.
You don't need to panic. will provide you each and everything for your study in easy and simple manner only you need to maintain consistency and some practice.Practice will work ,when you keep some knowledge and interest here we will provide both the things so you don't need to move anywhere stay tuned to
We will start your preparation with one word substitution,it will help you to score more in civil court clerk mains paper examination especially in segment of English 📜.so till now we have been discussing about how to prepare bihar civil court clerk mains examination now let us start with our preparation with repeated or you can say high rated one word substitution for your exam just you need to go once or couple of times for boosting your preparation.
1. ABC - Simple knowledge (साधारण ज्ञान)
Ram is ABC at math.
His knowledge is in ABC Form currently.
2. Calligraphy - Art related to ornate and good handwriting.
Calligraphy is an art.
3. Ornithology - Study of birds
Ornithology is a subject to study.
4.Astronomy- Study of celestial bodies.
5.Numismatics - Study of collection of coins ,tokens and paper money.
6. Geology- Study of rocks and earth.
7.Psephology- study of election trend.
8. Graphology- Study of handwriting.
9. Anthropology - Study of human development.
10. Biology - Study of living things.
11.Theology - Study of religion.
12.Entomology- Study of science of insects.
13. Autocrat- One with unlimited power.
14.Funambulist- One who walks on ropes.
15. Obstetrician - The doctor who attends child delivery.
16. Omnipotent - One who is all powerful.
17. Omniscient - one who is all knowing.
18. Omnipresent - one who is present all over.
19. Somniloquist- One who talks while sleeping.
20. Somnambulist- One who walks on sleep.
21. Noctambulist- one who walks at night.
22. Abhorrence: Hatred
23. Abridge: Shorten
24. Accolade: Praise
25. Acme: Highest point
26. Adept: Skilled
27. Adversary: Opponent
28. Affluent: Wealthy
29. Agnostic: One who doubts the existence of God
30. Altruism: Selfless concern for others
31. Ambiguous: Unclear, confusing
32.Amnesty: Pardon
33. Anarchy: Lawlessness
34.Anomaly: Irregularity
35.Antagonist: Opponent
36.Antipathy: Dislike
37. Apathy: Lack of interest
38.Appease: Pacify
39. Arbitrary: Based on random choice or personal whim
40. Archaic: Ancient, outdated
41.Ardent: Passionate
42. Aristocrat: Nobleman
43.Ascetic: One who practices self-denial
44.Assiduous: Diligent, hardworking
45. Assuage: To ease or lessen
46. Audacious: Bold, daring
47.Austere: Severe, strict
48. Avarice: Greed
49. Banal: Commonplace, trite
50.Benevolent: Kind, generous
51. Bizarre: Strange, odd
52.Boisterous: Noisy and energetic
53. Candid: Honest, frank
54. Cantankerous: Bad-tempered, argumentative
55. Capricious: Unpredictable, changeable
56. Catastrophe: Disaster
57.Censure: Blame, criticize
58. Circumvent: Avoid
59. Cognizant: Aware
60. Colossal: Huge
61.Commemorate: Celebrate
62.Compassion: Sympathy
63.Complacent: Self-satisfied
64.Concise: Brief and to the point
65.Condemn: Censure, criticize
66. Connoisseur: Expert
67. Contemptuous: Scornful
68. Contentious: Causing disagreement
69.Conventional: Traditional
70.Craven: Cowardly
71.Cursory: Hasty and superficial
72.Cynic: Someone who believes people are motivated by self-interest
73. Debacle: A sudden and ignominious failure
74.Decadence: Moral or cultural decline
75.Deceit: Trickery, dishonesty
76.Decipher: Decode
77.Defamation: Act of damaging someone's reputation
78.Deficit: Shortage
79.Deliberate: Intentional
80.Demise: Death
81. Democracy: Government by the people
82. Demolish: Destroy
83.Deplete: Use up
84. Deplore: Strongly disapprove
85.Desolate: Lonely and deserted
86. Despondent: Dejected, hopeless
87. Despotic: Tyrannical
88. Deter: Prevent
89. Devious: Sneaky, cunning
90. Diligent: Hardworking
91. Diplomacy: Skill in managing
international relations
92. Disparage: Belittle
93. Dissension: Disagreement
94. Dissipate: Disappear gradually
95. Dogmatic: Asserting opinions in a rigid manner
96. Dormant: Inactive
97.Eclectic: Selecting from various sources
98.Eloquent: Fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing
99. Elusive: Difficult to find or catch
100. Embargo: Official ban
101. Empathy: Ability to understand and share the feelings of others
102. Enigmatic: Mysterious, puzzling
103. Ephemeral: Short-lived
104. Equivocal: Ambiguous
105. Erratic: Inconsistent
106. Erudite: Learned, scholarly
107. Eulogy: Speech in praise of someone who has died
108. Euphoria: Intense excitement and happiness
109. Exacerbate: Make worse
110. Exemplary: Serving as a model
111. Exorbitant: Excessive
112. Expedite: Hasten, accelerate
113. Exploit: Take advantage of
114. Extricate: Free from a difficult situation
115. Fallacy: False belief
116. Famine: Extreme scarcity of food
117. Fanatic: Person filled with excessive enthusiasm
118. Fiasco: Complete failure
119.Fickle: Changing frequently
120. Flimsy: Weak, insubstantial
121.Foment: Stir up
122. Fortitude: Courage in pain or adversity
123.Fraudulent: Deceitful
124.Frugal: Economical
125.Futile: Pointless
126.Gregarious: Sociable
127.Guile: Cunning, deceit
128.Gullible: Easily deceived
129. Harbinger: Sign or warning
130. Haunt: Visit or inhabit (especially a ghost)
131. Heresy: Opinion contrary to accepted religious beliefs
132. Hostile: Unfriendly, antagonistic
133. Humility: Modesty
134. Hypocrisy: Pretending to be better than you really are
135. Idiosyncrasy: Peculiarity of temperament
136. Ignorant: Lacking knowledge or awareness
137. Immutable: Unchangeable
138. Impartial: Fair and unbiased
139. Impertinent: Rude and disrespectful
140. Impetuous: Acting or done quickly and without thought
141. Implausible: Unlikely to be true
142.Implicit: Suggested though not directly expressed
143. Impromptu: Without preparation
144. Impudent: Rude and disrespectful
145. Impulsive: Acting or done without forethought
146. Incessant: Continuing without interruption
147.Incognito: With one's identity concealed
148.Indefatigable: Tireless
149. Indignant: Feeling or showing anger or annoyance
150.Indolent: Lazy
151.Indubitable: Impossible to doubt
152.Inept: Incompetent
153. Infer: Deduce
154. Inflammable: Easily set on fire
155. Inherent: Existing in something as a permanent and inseparable element
156. Innocuous: Harmless
157.Insolent: Rude and disrespectful
158. Insomnia: Inability to sleep
159.Insubordinate: Disobedient
160. Intact: Complete and undamaged
161. Intricate: Complex
162.Intrigue: Secret plot or scheme
163.Introspection: Examination of one's own thoughts and feelings
164. Intuitive: Knowing something by instinct
165.Invincible: Impossible to defeat
166. Invulnerable: Impossible to harm
167. Irascible: Easily angered
168. Irony: Use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
169. Ironic: Using or characterized by irony
170. Itinerary: Planned route or journey
171. Jeopardy: Danger
172. Jubilant: Joyful and triumphant
173. Judicious: Having or showing good judgment
174.Jurisdiction: Authority
175.Laconic: Using very few words
176. Languid: Lacking energy or enthusiasm
177.Lassitude: Lack of energy
178.Lethargy: Lack of energy and enthusiasm
179.Lucrative: Producing a great deal of profit
180. Magnanimous: Generous and forgiving
181.Malice: Ill will or intent to harm
182. Malingerer: Someone who pretends to be ill in order to avoid work
183. Martyr: Person who is killed or injured for their religious or political beliefs
184.Maverick: Independent-minded person who does not conform to accepted standards or ways of thinking
185.Melancholy: Sadness
186. Mendacious: Lying
187. Mercenary: Motivated solely by financial gain
188. Miser: Person who hoards money
189. Misogynist: Someone who dislikes, despises, or is prejudiced against women
190.Mitigate: Make less severe
191.Monotonous: Tedious and repetitive
192. Morose: Sullen and ill-tempered
193. Mundane: Ordinary and commonplace
194.Munificent: Very generous
195. Naive: Simple and innocent
196. Nefarious: Wicked
197. Negligence: Failure to take proper care
198.Nemesis: An opponent or enemy
199.Nostalgia: Sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past
200. Notorious: Famous for something bad
201. Novice: Beginner
202.Nuance: Subtle difference in shade of meaning, expression, or sound
203.Obdurate: Stubborn and unyielding
204. Obese: Very fat
205. Oblivion: State of being unaware or unconscious
206.Obscure: Not clear or definite
207. Obsolete: No longer produced or used; out of date
208.Obstinate: Stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action
209.Obstruct: Prevent or hinder
210. Obtuse: Slow to understand or perceive
211.Omnipotent: All-powerful
212. Omnipresent: Present everywhere at the same time
213.Omniscient: Knowing everything
214. Onerous: Involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively great
215. Opprobrium: Public disgrace or vitriol
216.Orthodox: Conforming to accepted standards
217.Ostentatious: Characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice
219.Paradox: A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in
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